Monday, 18 June 2007

an interesting take

Today an interesting top came up in conversation. The tea cup reader/fortune teller/tarot reading ultimate subject.
I dont really know if i believe in them. If i would invest money to hear what i think is bulls**t. I have to admit the one time i went with T and N i was quite suprised, i wrote it down somewhere but i distinctly remember that she had me down andspecifically remember her saying i would leave Beirut and never come back to live there again. Oh and that it would take me a long time to REALLY love someone...
i think its a case of adapting what you hear to fit the horoscopes that you read in the dailies, i mean ive even added a horoscope application on facebook! (see pic ha ha)
sometimes i do wish that what i read would come ture, especially when im feeling a little lost and confused.
Astronomy is supposedly a science, but horoscopes? nah i think its a guy (or girl) having a bit of fun choosing from a bucket of sentences and words to fill in from the day. Im sure if someone ever collected them they'd realize that there is a cycle - like after 2 years its repeated... how funny would that be? any volunteers?

how bizarre/ amazing would it be that you could convince the horoscope reading population to buy your product - i mean use its to subliminally advertise a product someone needs without being too blatant? would it work? hmmmm
worth a think...

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